New hero in my list

This post would not contain anything that I want to say, instead read it for yourself and find out if this lady deserves a place in your 'Champion's hall of fame'

(source : wikipedia)

Sarah Reinertsen (born May 22, 1975) is an American athlete. She was the first female leg amputee to complete the Ironman Triathlon World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Besides marathons and triathlons, Sarah has also competed in bicycle races.

She was born with proximal femoral focal deficiency, a bone-growth disorder which eventually led to her becoming an above-the-knee amputee at the age of seven.[2] After the amputation, she began to run track and broke the 100-meter world record for female above-the-knee amputees at the age of 13.Since 1991, she has recorded a number of athletic accomplishments:
  1. Setting world records in the 100 m, 200 m, 400 m in her division (T42);
  2. Becoming the youngest member of the 1992 U.S. Paralympic Team to go to Barcelona;
  3. Conquering seven marathons (NYC 1997, 1998; LA 1998, 1999; Millennium New Zealand 2000; London 2002; and Boston 2004);
  4. Holding the world record in the half marathon (2:12) and the marathon (5:27) for above-knee amputee women

You can read more about her at

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Reached first milestone


Not even a gram less or more !! This was the number shown on the electronic weight scale today at one of the restaurants where I check my weight on a weekly basis. I was so over joyed that I could not believe what I saw. This would not have been possible without the great books, fitness videos, blogs, my hall of fame photos of people whom I want to become, and definitely motivating words/ tweets by hundreds of health/fitness lovers on twitter. And best of all nutritious and healthy food by my fiancee that just goes along with my daily exercise routine. Thank you all and a BIG thanks to you Jesus :)

Weight gain badge from livestrong

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Arnoldation - Part 2 (Judgement day)

This is in continuation with my previous post 25 weeks to Arnoldation, which tracks my fitness goals and areas that I am proud and the things I should improve upon.

Weeks 5 - 10
  1. Made it a point to hit park on weekends and other holidays and make atleast 5 - 8 rounds of jogging coupled with 10-12 rounds of fast paced walking.
  2. Weight shot upto 69.5 KG, Yehaaaaaa, I am so closed to reach my first milestone, which is 70 KG(154.3 pounds)
  3. 'Push up' count reached 50 for the first time, and that too in proper form
  4. Reps for flys, and raises have crossed 15(earlier less than 6)
  5. More crunches that ever before, to take care of the tummy
  6. I can see visible changes in my forearms, biceps, tricpes, rib cage, thighs; Small but significant and motivating me to push harder
  7. Included meditation as a daily routine
  8. Have become more conscious even while doing day to day tasks like, lifting a bucket, sitting while traveling, make sure to walk with the correct posture(ear, shoulder, hips on the same straight line)
  9. Two rounds around ITPL(for about 20 mins) in the evening, on most days
  10. Learned more about ab excercises from the book The Complete Guide To Abdominal Training by Christopherm Norris
Plan for the next 4 weeks
  1. Include more variety in food intake to accommodate duck eggs, protein shakes, salads, cheese, butter etc
  2. 60 mins of strict workout and 20 mins of rounds inside the park, prior to that
  3. 'Presses' using barbell with 4 kg( 2 kg plate + weight of barbell)
  4. Learn more about exercises, food, nutrition and physiology
  5. Incorporate ALL the main moves that I learned in KungFu prior to the work out or during that
  6. Make sleep and rise times fixed and do not fluctuate a lot
  7. Increase 'Curls' and 'Fly's dumbell weights to 7 KG (5 + 2 kg plates)

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